We had a great team supporting the F-5 Avionics upgrade program at Rockwell and we became great friends. Again, orchestrating this picture seemed sort of corny at the time, but I am glad to have it now.

I will try to identify as many people as I can:
- Marilyn Aglubat
- Mindy Dinh
- James Lawson
- Eileen Joyce
- Chris Ryan
- George Mason
- Oliver Watson
- Tom Payne
- Nick Cory
- John Dillon
- ???
- ???
- Jeff Purchatzke
- Dan Davidson
- Wes Imada
- Jim McDermott
- Carlos Trillo
- Dieter Trost
- Debbie Kirste
- Monte Betts
- Charlie “C-MAC” McCormack
- ???
- Sudhir Shah
- ???
- Jerry Hill
- Rosemary Valasco