Jennifer starts off by asking the audience (of testers), “How many of you think your CIOs care about testing?” About 5 people replied in the affirmative. She goes on to ensure the audience that they do. A key takeaway here is that speed and agility is important, not necessarily cost. “I don’t care about the…
The CIO’s Perspective
While this may be a bit dated (2017), I found this panel discussion to be quite informative, especially regarding how the participants articulate the CIO’s concerns when it comes to software testing. This link provides access to the full transcript and you can click on the image above to see the video on YouTube. The…
Types of testing
On Reddit today, someone asked “What is the best kind of testing?” That’s a loaded question. I replied: There are layers of software testing (unit, component, system, end to end, user acceptance, etc) and various types (manual, guided, exploratory, crowd sourced, scripted automation, no-code automation). Where you start depends on the scope of the application…
The Problem
Testing accounts for about 60% of the effort associate with IT projects yet they only about 25% of the budget. The Standish Group’s Chaos Report found that only 29% of IT implementations are successful. That means a full 70% were considered not successful. Given that worldwide we spend $3.9 trillion (Gartner, 2020), that is a…