MazeVR Dev Log – Day 2

My first step in building this app was to reacquaint myself with building apps for the Oculus Quest 2 using Unity. I had experimented build some VR apps, most notably a recreation of my 1990’s tribute to Asteroids known as SpaceRocks. As this work was done back in December of 2021, I needed a lot of refeshing.

Much of my “education” came from two prolific YouTubers:

One of challenges of experimenting with VR development on Unity is the amount of “setting up” you need to accomplish to start off each new project. While i guess you can do the set up and save a copy to use later as a starting point, I was hoping for a better way. In one of Justin’s videos, he mentioned that you can make a custom “template” which can be used as a starting point.

When you create a Unity project and start using it, they get big (huge) very quickly. Most of these are “library” files that can be recreated during a build. In fact, if you are using GitHub, the vast majority of files can be ignored. Here is a .gitinore file that can be used to minimize the number of files that need to be synced (thanks to GitHub and ChatGPT)

# This .gitignore file should be placed at the root of your Unity project directory
# Get latest from

# MemoryCaptures can get excessive in size.
# They also could contain extremely sensitive data

# Recordings can get excessive in size

# Uncomment this line if you wish to ignore the asset store tools plugin
# /[Aa]ssets/AssetStoreTools*

# Autogenerated Jetbrains Rider plugin

# Visual Studio cache directory

# Gradle cache directory

# Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project files

# Unity3D generated meta files

# Unity3D generated file on crash reports

# Builds

# Crashlytics generated file

# Packed Addressables

# Temporary auto-generated Android Assets

Building a Template

To build the template, I started with Justin’s “How to make VR Games 2022”

Key elements include:

  • Install XR Interaction Toolkit
  • XR Plugin Management
  • Install the XR Interaction defaults (Samples)
  • Set up a basic scene
  • Enable the Locomotion systems

From here, I wanted to build an actual template. ChatGPT said this is not a formally supported process, but Google found these sites:

I built a template (here) and it worked (at least on my Mac)

The file get placed here:

  • MacOS: /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2021.3.15f1/
  • PC: Unity\Hub\Editor\2021.1.7f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\ProjectTemplates

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